Emotional bias is a thing.

4 min readJan 6, 2023

You love playing tennis but one thing I’ve realised is you cannot play tennis with a sprained/fractured hand. Am I stating the obvious ? I don’t think so.

You love playing piano but one thing I’ve realised is you cannot play with a injured finger. Obvious? I don’t think so.

Now here’s a catch , you love solving problems and you have a positive outlook towards hardships but one thing I’ve realised is you cannot fix everything with a depressed mind. Obvious again? I don’t think so. Infact, this is most not obvious statement ever. And infact here’s where you expect everything to be a smooth sail and you expect for your mind to be a highly functional mender to literally sort everything out.

Not just you , everyone around you expects you to solve the obvious , fix the obvious with simple solutions totally neglecting the fact that a depressed mind solving a problem could be equivalent to a fractured hand playing tennis .

I ask why is this so ?

Why do we disregard someone’s problem just because from our frame of reference it seems fine ?

For me working with a headache could be totally doable but for someone suffering from migraine could be disastrous. So why do we even generalise aches and we are so apathetic towards someone’s rough time?

Do you think we are in a good place today ??? I don’t think so

Work across the world has become toxic and political

Acquaintances and families are growing to be dysfunctional

Ambitions have become shaky and trust is all over the place

Faith is losing its essence while the love is taking selfish turns

Feelings shatter just like any other glass and crumbling it and throwing it away in trash doesn’t look that painful.

Solitude is turning to loneliness while contemplation is turning to self sabotage.

I’m not depicting someone’s narrative here , rather I’m depicting something which we all are going through.

There was once a era of high depression , what would you call today’s era? Super high depression? Ultra high depression? Or Depression’s peak 101?

Well the fancy name will automatically find its way and I’m not putting my mind space to do that. People get diagnosed with clinical depression they do go through their own journey of settling chaos, they take their time to come out of it but the more they deal with it the more vulnerable they become. They bounce back for sure, but they entrust that trusting ability and strength in themselves to keep them shielded from relapses. As I said everyone is in the same boat , not you not me, everyone!!

Now, my question to you is, being in the same boat how often have you helped someone get through something ?

How well are you with your kids to let them know you are there ?

How well of a partner are you to hold them when they fall down ?

How well of a friend are you when a friend silently sheds a sigh of misery?

How well of a colleague are you when you see someone’s work getting affected ?

How well of a acquaintance are you when you see someone around you struggle with basics of life?

“Kindness” is losing its charm but it still holds the highest of trait in the universe of traits.

My question to you is what does your kindness meter state ?

Everyone is going through their own winters including you yourself so any warmth towards others or yourself won’t do any harm. I speak from experience of being on the both sides and I know how miraculously it can transform someone’s outlook.

To reiterate my point I am not stating to make this world a better place, I don’t intend to dive into that that abstract ocean but all I’m saying is in the world where literally everyone is going through a sea storm of thoughts , instilling little calmness through your presence could make a difference. Nobody’s pain is more or less, even theory of relativity doesn’t work here , what would be small for you could be massive for the others and vice a versa. Emotional bias is a thing and when someone’s perspective is directed by their state of mind rationality and bias are always on the war front and guess who suffers?

Do think about it, kindness is all I try to iterate here. Kindness towards yourself and kindness towards others. So next when you see someone trying to play tennis with a fractured hand, you direct them towards “healing” than disregarding the pain. You direct them towards help than undermining their strength and you direct them towards love because it holds the magic to change. The butterfly effect will come into play and suffering will translate to one’s optimum best.




Dream with me, pick a story, deep dive into it and let me know how far you travel. Join me on this path where we grow sagacious together.